
Prayer Times Qūchān, Iran

3rd December, 2024

Today 3rd December, 2024 prayer times Qūchān, Iran are Fajr time 4:58 AM, Dhuhr time 11:26 AM, Asr time 2:00 PM, Maghrib time 4:19 PM & Isha time 4:19 PM. Schedule for 30 days of salah time calendar and azan time in Qūchān, Iran with prayer calculation method available for the convenience of all Muslims according to their preference.


4:58 am


6:33 am


11:26 am


2:00 pm


4:19 pm


5:49 pm

Next 30 Days Qūchān, Iran Prayer Times

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In Qūchān, Iran, the Islamic prayer times typically include:
Fajr Prayer Time: 4:58am
Dhuhr Prayer Time: 11:26am
Asr Prayer Time: 2:00pm
Maghrib Prayer Time: 4:19pm
Isha Prayer Time: 5:49pm.

The latest prayer times in Qūchān Iran are updated daily based on the Islamic calendar and sunrise-sunset cycles.

The prayer times in Qūchān Iran follow the Islamic method of calculation based on local sunrise, sunset, and geographical location.

The prayer times change slightly every day due to the shifting sunrise and sunset times throughout the year.

The time intervals between prayers vary. For example, Fajar ends at sunrise, while Zuhar starts after noon and Asar begins mid-afternoon.

Our prayer times are aligned with local mosque schedules and globally accepted Islamic timekeeping standards.

Suhoor time in Qūchān Iran ends just before Fajar prayer. Make sure to check today’s Fajar prayer time above.

Iftar time in Qūchān Iran begins at Maghrib prayer. Check today’s Maghrib time to know when to break your fast.

Prayer times may shift slightly during Ramadan due to changing daylight hours. Our timings are updated daily to reflect these changes.

Eid prayer time in Qūchān Iran usually takes place shortly after sunrise. It’s best to confirm with the nearest mosque.

The Eid prayer consists of two Rakats followed by a sermon. The exact time depends on your local mosque’s schedule in Qūchān Iran.

Ashura, the 10th of Muharram, is observed with fasting and prayers in Qūchān Iran. Many also gather at mosques for special sermons.

Fasting on Ashura begins at Fajar time and ends at Maghrib in Qūchān Iran. Check today’s prayer times for precise timings.

Ramadan starts with the sighting of the new moon. Exact announcements are made by local mosques and Islamic authorities in Qūchān Iran.

Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated at the end of Ramadan, while Eid-ul-Adha falls on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah. Dates depend on the lunar calendar and moon sightings in Qūchān Iran.

Prayer times generally remain the same, but special prayers like Taraweeh during Ramadan and Eid prayers are added to the schedule.

Fajar prayer in Qūchān Iran starts at dawn and ends at sunrise. Todays time can be found at the top of this page.

It is recommended to pray as soon as you remember, even if the Fajar time has passed.

Zuhar prayer time starts just after midday in Qūchān Iran. The exact time for today is listed above.

Asar prayer time in Qūchān Iran starts in the afternoon, when the shadow of an object is equal to its length.

Maghrib prayer time begins immediately after sunset in Qūchān Iran.

Isha prayer starts when the twilight disappears after sunset. Check today’s Isha prayer time above.